Unix Philosophy Text Message
Pipes or Showerheads?

The ubiquitous version of the Unix philosophy is as follows,Do one thing, do it well.
No doubt there are thought pieces out there that answer my questions and further define the philosophy, but regardless, my two cents —
every program should be designed to do as few things as possible. outsource other unrelated functionalities to other programs.i don't think that works for everything.why not?what about Krita or Photoshop? wouldn't it be a nightmare to have every gradient tool and select function be a separate program piped to others?and also for the usera poorly managed software ecosystem shouldn't be an excuse to bloat a programand what about the user?some programs should be less like a pipe, and more like a shower headthings like UIs, audio and video editing, and photoshop againare you supposed to do those things on the terminal?I see the unix philosophy as being 'do one FUNCTION / PURPOSE and do it well'UIs, audacity, photoshop, krita, sony vegas all have a function and do it well.but don't you hate Microsoft wordyeah. you like word? 🤨i hate it???what's ur point?how is audacity different from word? both are arguably pretty bloated, but you give audacity a pass.when I sit down with audacity I want to be able to edit a piece of sound as easily as possibly.if I think of a change I want made, I should be able to do it quickly and easilywith word, I'mm trying to type out a document; I should have some typesetting and basic document formatting functions there, all the wannabe inkscape functionality is just pointless.what if someone wants an all-around graphic, text, and image editing software? can't word be that for them?programs should have some focus to themwhat you're looking for is an entire operating systemor emacs lolI like emacswhatwhyuse nvimisn't neovim pretty bloated too? shouldn't someone like you be using ed?This message was deleted.are you coming over for dinner on Thursday?